Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ditka. Sausage. Hens.

Great quote out of Mike Ditka on his "Back to School" segment on SportsCenter yesterday that I couldn't help but share.
"If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep score?" - Mike Ditka
After Coach Keeler's comments about winning championships, this quote just adds fuel to K.C.'s fire.  Always have to go for the win, and at the end of the day, while you want to win them all, there is only one win that Coach Keeler wants, and that's a championship.

Let this also be a quick reminder to follow us on twitter or like us on Facebook so we know to keep this website going.  We are keeping score here.

"Blue Hens Beat" Debuts has debuted a new webshow called "Blue Hens Beat" which has set itself up as an interview show spanning across the landscape of Delaware athletics.  Here is the first episode and the rundown/review of it.

Save Keeler a Parking Spot!

The K.C. Keeler Show on 94.7 FM WDSD aired yesterday and the audio is now available to you here! No breaking news was shared during the interview, but I feel like the tone that Coach Keeler used when discussing the quarterback situation indicated that Sasek will be the one to start for the Hens on Saturday.  Otherwise there were some great moments of humor and some good general UD Football discussions between host, & good friend, Mike Corey and our Coach Keeler.  Continue on to grab the audio link...

Title IX - The Seasons Begin!

So instead of blatantly calling the occasional summation of what's going on in Women's Athletics just that... Title IX makes so much more sense.  Think about what the point of Title IX really was: to give female athletes a fair share of athletics in relation to what male athletes received.  That's exactly what I plan to do here.  Clearly I won't be having a Volleyball or Field Hockey update every day, but I have enjoyed them both when I've gone to matches and games, and I plan on giving them their due time in this space.

So without further ado, here is the first review of the Lady Blue Hens in action: