Friday, September 16, 2011

Call of the Blue Hen

If you have ever seen a Penn State football game (or Carolina Panthers, or Florida Panthers), then you've heard the cat roar sound effect.  Why Delaware decided to get their own version of the sound effect is beyond me, but for some reason, I kind of like it in a comedy sort of way.  In no way do you have a rooster crowing to intimidate an opponent.  It's just for the heck of having it there.  I can do with or without it.  It was played during the last game vs. West Chester at the very beginning and then occasionally during the game, but it was so bizarre that I just thought it was a one time thing at first.  I really do not know on this one.  Please let me know what you think of the sound effect.  My money is on "no" from the fans, but it's something that no one will complain enough about and has gotten the school publicity, so it is going to be here to stay whether we like it or not.  I am leaning "yes," but barely.  Here is the feature that was done by ABC-Philly:

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